Thursday, November 7, 2019

Technology in administrative process in Amupitiya National School... 
creating the time tables for teachers...

 Entering the term test marks...

Technology in teaching learning process...
Technology is the most important part in the teaching learning process. After introducing smart school program in the school, most of the teachers are using the IT tools successfully in the teaching learning process.  We could use the the technology in all the important occasions in the school. It has helped the students to learn the lessons easily and it helps to develop their interest for the learning activities.

The teachers who has actively participated  in the smart school program used technology to create their visual aids. They used presentations, video lesson, important websites to teach their subjects.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

the Education system  of all over the world are changing according to the technological improvement.Therefore we have to face a lot of challengers in the teaching learning process in the school system. The smart school program conducted by the ministry of education, headstart (pvt ltd) ,dialog axiata is a great opportunity for us as teachers. We learned, we  have created a growth mindset then we work hard to create a smart school with our limited physical and human resources.
 We have conducted our second training session on 03rd of March 2019. We have realized most of the teachers doesn't have an e-mail account. Therefore we assist them to create an email account for each and every teacher.This was the first step to access the Microsoft education community.We have give them knowledge about Microsoft education community.